07 May 2008

What have we turned this into..

This past Sunday I sort of snapped. As usual in many services nowadays the church was in competition with the wall of sound coming from the front. We were summoned to stand (one who truly loves the Lord stands when he/she sings) and to sing along (bringing our worship to God).
So I sat and shut up and got really sad.

The organ and the combo's have left the church. Enter the professional worship coordinator + band.
They all look, sound and move alike and sing the same songs. It is called worship.
Today the worship-leader is a pay-roll position. Paid to make us feel good and 'bring us into God's presence'.

Today's singing makes me drift away from God's presence. I can't help it. It's quite possible that I do have a problem and need professional help.

A world is going to hell.
Let's all stand and sing; entering the presence of the Lord.
I wonder.
Which Lord.

I will not apologise for anything I wrote in this blog.