15 November 2011

Caps with Food (STop Eating!)

Another unedited translation of my Dutch Blog. I was rolling with laughter trying to read it

Caps with food!
Or not? Who is right? The man with the belly hanging down to his knees as a result doktert weekly or extremely fit athlete who carefully chooses his diet and never dokert just on his 82nd death. One cost the state tons and hasteth toward the finish line in sight without ever getting while the other defends the honor of the country with their gymnastic exercises.Vark or not? That was about the discussion in Romans 14.Paul's answer, we now look askance at: you can eat what you want and we have to cut each other to condemn. The ruminants must varketers alone and omnivores have caps with looking down on rodents. However, if you offend my gnawing, I eat it at home. If my gevark (yes, I know now my knees touching my belly, but I do have fun) you objectionable, I love me. We are free to eat whatever we want but there is an issue where it enters into a transcendent principle: love.This love and appreciates the other and does not self-promotion.
How cute .... From whom would he have?This contradicts the prevailing view that the right of "authenticity" always prevails, I do my thing my way and if you do not like bad luck.It is also called verhuftering.On the train with a big schlemiel does with its leather jekkie, his ipod, iphone, iphone and other fruit derivatives and are possibly even larger if someone tries to make one of the four chairs schlemiel has claimed to requirements.Elegant behavior more inviting to the practice of transcendent love than loutish behavior. Verhuftering invites you to participate jerk. The sense of outrage is increasing and subtle leads to withdrawal, I live my life my way and you yours your way. But it has nothing to do with promoting the other, and everything just to protect the self.We live in an insane world.

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