06 April 2006

How little we know, and do

I am a believer. People will refer to me as an evangelical. Evangelicals oversimplify life. Life is easy because the answer to everything is Jesus. And, when things get tough, well, Jesus is somewhere in that, too. Not that I understand it but that's okay, as long as he understands and sort of knows what he is doing.
Ask an evangelical a tough question and I bet that Jesus will be somewhere in the answer. That's how we are conditioned. So that's why evangelicals are poor people. Not all evangelicals, but many.
"The sundayschool teacher says: 'listen up children. I'm gonna describe something to you and when you think you know what it is that I am describing just raise your hand'. 'It's rather small with paws and has a very soft fur. It loves to eat carrots and...' Little John interrupts the teacher when he raises his hand in great excitement and anticipation. 'Go ahead, Johnny', the teacher says. 'Well', Johnny says, 'it sort of reminds me of a rabbit but I bet it's Jesus'".


So, we, evangelicals have a problem. Most of us don't have answers to the world's big issues. Poverty, (civil)war, famine, aids, environmental issues....
Bear with me, I'm just generalising and that's why it's important to realise that some of the most pro-actively involved thinkers and doers alive today are evangelicals (by the way, evangelicals claim to "just believe the bible"); Os Guinness, Ravi Zacharias, Bono, Jimmy Carter, Charles Colson...

Because we've oversimplified live we also tend to stick our heads in the sand (enjoy the view..) and end up living our lives just like any other consumer and continue to exploit the resources God made us stewards of.
I am ashamed and embarrased. I don't want to be an evangelical, if this description of an evangelical is true. I'd rather follow Jesus. But that's what evangelicals claim to do. So, I'm probably saying that I'm not much different. That's probably right.
But I choose to be different. The only problem is that there's so much to do and now I'm frustrated adn annoyed because quite often I just don't know what to do.
This week I saw a documentary on women (most of them from Eastern European countries) that are forced into prostitution. They think they are going to Europe to make money in some legit. business but become modern slaves. It is devestating. I get so mad. I want to get a machette and start chopping of dicks of all those (male) perverts and sex-adddicts. But the next day it's already alomost forgotten.
I applaud those that take action on my behalf. They get my support.

Anyway, I am an evangelical.

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