13 April 2006

A Romans Six Day

That's what I call a day where I stubbornly refuse to crucify the old self. Some would call it a bad hair day but I don't think it's fair to blame it on your hair. Nowadays we've got sprays, gels, combs and brushes so there's absolutely no need for people in the Western World to have bad hair days. Call it what it is: admit it, you're just depressed and or grumpy. Life sucks and so do others.
And that's the problem. Life can't help being what it is. Others can't help being "other". They just "are". But I can help and change being me. And the way to do so is through death.
So here we have it: I just want to live. And yesterday was one of those days that I ended up fooling around with my time. And time is extremely valuable so I don't want it to just leak away. In my discpelship group we were studying the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples as a demonstration of endless love. My hair "went bad" when I realised that I don't have any problem with others sacrificing for me but that I find it rather difficult when I have to sacrifice something for others (unless I expect something in return).
So... I had to take it to the cross. To kill it. I know I will have to revisit the cross again and again and again. To die. In order to gain life. And that's exactly what I want: LIFE.

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